Diane Calvert for Mayor

Diane Calvert Standing for Mayor of Wellington city

Media Release – Diane Calvert Standing for Mayor of Wellington city

Wellington City Councillor for Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward Diane Calvert has announced her candidacy for the upcoming Wellington City Council mayoralty.

“We know our city is special; the home of the arts, a creative capital, a loveable city that is remarkable. I believe in Wellingtonians, what we can do and how we can do it, but our city has fallen into a rut over the last decade.

“Our city needs real leadership that’s for Wellingtonians and not just the Beehive. Bold leadership built Wellington, and it’s time for bold leadership again.” said Calvert.

“Wellington’s population is growing and we need to support this growth with a stronger economy and integrated solutions in housing, transport and infrastructure for all our communities.

“Our leaders have to be courageous now, we can’t keep accumulating debt expecting our children to pay the bill”.

Calvert continued “Let’s Get Wellington Moving” programme will not deliver what Wellingtonians need now nor in 20-years when it might be finished. That’s 20-years too late. Buses should be the top priority, not an afterthought. We can’t afford a programme that isn’t fit for service now and certainly won’t be fit for our city’s future needs.”

“Our leaders have to be honest, they can’t afford to keep making promises they won’t live up to.”

“Wellingtonians have had enough of overspending and secret deals. We want honesty, transparency, and accountability in decision making.

“Wellingtonians have had enough of promises without progress.”

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